Sick Day (Pared Down/Two Product) Simple Skincare Routine


You know how it is, right? You wake up one morning, feeling under the weather and all you want to do is lie in bed all day. The thought of getting up and going to the bathroom to perform your skincare routine seems like a daunting task.
I've weathered a cold last week and I simply couldn't be bothered with doing my usual skincare routine. So I stuck to two products: Cetaphil Cleansing Lotion and Clean and Clear Oil Free Moisturizer.

I apply a dime sized amount of Cetaphil to dry skin and massaged it in well, after which I took a warm washcloth and wiped off the cleanser. There is nothing better than a warm flannel on your face while cleansing, especially when you're ill.
After rinsing off the cleanser, I let my skin air dry for a few seconds (not bothering with a towel!) and applied a dollop of Clean and Clear's moisturizer. Not only is it oil free and non greasy, but it also contains some amount of salicylic acid that helps me fight breakouts to an extent. It is one of the best and most affordable moisturizers I've found.

I stuck to this two step routine day and night, all week and my skin didn't even look half as tired as I felt! Granted, I got two hormonal pimples along my jawline (maybe due to stress or an unhealthy diet), but otherwise these two products kept my skin in relatively good shape! I've found my sick day skincare routine. What skincare products do you reach for when you're feeling under the weather?

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