Real Techniques Blush Brush Review


I seem to be on a Real Techniques roll lately! Anywho, I'm back with a review of the Real Techniques Blush Brush. Now this brush is a fairly recent addition to my collection.
The blush brush is an individually sold product. It has a cute pink handle. Now, the most distinctive feature of this brush is the shape of its bristles. The bristles are broader near the root and taper as they reach the tip. This unique shape of the brush makes it a big multitasker. I use it to apply blush, bronzer and setting powder. It works beautifully with all three! Bronzer and setting powder are my favorites to apply using this brush.
The synthetic Taklon bristles are very easy to clean and this brush dries very easily too! I'm quite happy to have this brush in my collection and the multitasking it does makes it a winner for me.

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