My Top Tips For New/Busy Bloggers


I love blogging. I really do. It is such a fantastic outlet for me. But coupled with my studies and college, I was not being able to post regularly.
I'm going to tell you about some tips that have REALLY helped me out.
1) Schedule posts
I had exams all through the month of July. Yet I did not want to compromise on my posts. Granted, I spent a weekend planning  and writing posts and taking pictures, but it was worth it! I managed to line up posts for the whole of July!
Check if your blogging host has the option of scheduling posts and make use of it!
2) Keep a diary
I keep a small notebook on hand, where I write down my ideas for future posts. It really helps me stay on top of things and helps me plan and prioritize without being overwhelmed. It helps me keep my ideas in one place.
3)Take some time aside for writing posts. I set aside an hour every other night for writing posts and taking pictures. Once you set a fixed time to get your blog related stuff done, you'll find that you'll be able to post more often!
4) Use your social network accounts.
This is essential. Social networking will really help in promoting your blog and making it more visible. You can even use services like IFTTT (If This Then That) to connect all your social network accounts. You'll be able to cover more ground and increase your blog's visibility!
There you have it guys. My top tips for new and busy bloggers. Hope these will be useful for you!

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