Tangle Teezer Original Review


I still remember how much I used to dread getting ready for school in the morning. Not because I had to go to school! It was because I had to comb and pleat my frizzy hair so that I could look presentable.

My hair was really frizzy and used to get tangled really easily. That's why dragging the comb through my hair, trying to detangle it was a nightmare. Seriously. It was so painful. My hair would get pulled and tugged and some of the really unfortunate ones would get ripped off my scalp. Ah, memories!

When I think about my school day mornings, I cab only wish that I had had a Tangle Teezer back then. This little brush is genius! It looks like one of those brushes that are used to comb a horse's mane. Its nothing like your conventional hairbrush (as you cab see from the photo). It fits easily in my hand and it detangles my hair effortlessly. No pain at all!
What's more: The brush has minimized my hair breakage. And it is so easy to clean! I have had my Original Tangle Teezer for about a year now and I use it every single day. In fact, I've converted my family to Tangle Teezers as well! And they all love it!
It has become a part of my daily routine and I'd recommend this brush to everyone, regardless of your hair type, texture or length.

You can buy Tangle Teezers in India from Nykaa.com

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