Two Product Skin Clearing Facial


I'd been having a bad, BAD breakout, people. Seriously. My cheeks were red and congested with tiny little bumps and whiteheads. And along my jawline, I had a couple of HUGE, painful hormonal pimples.
I blamed it all on my diet. I hadn't been eating healthy (Eid was just around the corner) and hadn't been drinking enough water. Trust me, it really showed.
Two nights ago, I was really desperate. And I decided to use two of my favorite skin clearing products TOGETHER. I soaked up a cotton pad in the Alpha H Liquid Gold and swiped it all over my freshly cleansed face. I especially concentrated on my cheeks, jawline and my nose. After the Alpha H had dried out, I applied a thick layer of the Himalaya Neem Purifying Pack all over my face. I waited for the face mask to dry (it took about 20-30 minutes) and then used a warm flannel to remove the mask. I followed up this mini facial with a rosewater mist and a generous application of my trusted Cetaphil moisturizer and then went to bed.
The next morning, my skin was so much clearer!
The congestion on my cheeks had dramatically reduced and my jawline pimples had reduced in size and weren't hurting anymore! I think it was the combined action of the glycolic acid in the Liquid Gold and the Neem and Turmeric in the Himalaya mask that helped decongest and deep clean my skin. I'm sold on this combination. I just had to share this with you all! And from now on, I'm going to swipe on a bit of Liquid Gold/Glycolic Acid Cream before doing a deep cleansing mask. It is a turbo charged facial!

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